"PAST & PRESENCE" by Henrik Hellstenius - CD release in D, A, CH

Past & Presence

"Augestad er rett og slett både sanger og historieforteller." ("Augestad is both singer and storyteller.") - Ballade

Review of the album "ESSAYS" by Martin Kersten @ Hessischer Rundfunk 27.12.2021

"Zum Niederknien schön!“ so der Hessische Rundfunk (hr2.de) zur aktuellen Music for a While Einspielung "ESSAYS" - hier ist Martin Kerstens Podcast zu hören:  hr2 kultur  


Stream to the album release concert "ESSAYS"

Music For A While's new album Essays

See and listen to the album release concert at Music Traveler here. Naturally there are some extra songs.

Fotos: Åsa Maria Mikkelsen


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DICHTERLIEBE – Tora Augestads new recordings with BFO


"Dichterliebe" – Tora Augestads new recordings with Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra


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