Debut in Berliner Philharmonie & Seven Deadly Sins & Hate Songs with KORK

This autumn is full of highlights: 

First Augestad will have her debut in Berliner Philharmonie in a recital with songs by Arnold Schönberg and Charles Ives on august 25. 

On september 6th she will perform Kurt Weill's "Seven Deadly Sins" and Marcus Paus' "Hate Songs" with KORK - the Norwegian Radio Orchestra. The concert is recorded for radio and television and will be sent as a part of NRKs Etikketaten and NRK's Hovedscenen. 

Other concerts in the fall include: 

September 15th at Drammen Sacred witth Karl Espegard

Tora Augestad er årets festivalprofil på Nordland Musikkfestuke!


Tora Augestad er årets festivalprofil!

Tora Augestads allsidighet inspirerer komponister, regissører, dirigenter og andre musikere. Som sanger lar hun seg vanskelig sette i bås – som utøver er hun fleksibel, uttrykksfull, presis, scenisk overbevisende og med en uvanlig personlighet. Under Musikkfestuka skal vi få bli kjent med hele bredden i hennes repertoar - fra de små og intime scenene til festivalens signaturarena i Bodøsjøen. 

28. februar 2023

Spellemann Composer of the year to Henrik Hellstenius for the album "Past & Presence".


TONO-Spellemann til Henrik Hellstenius

Henrik Hellstenius er stolt og glad over å ha blitt tildelt TONOs komponistpris under årets Spellemann. Han tror priser er ekstra viktig i samtidsmusikken. – En forutsetning for at folk skal lytte til musikken min er at de vet at den finnes. 

Nytt/27 april 2022/Kristian Dugstad

"PAST & PRESENCE" by Henrik Hellstenius - CD release in D, A, CH

Past & Presence

"Augestad er rett og slett både sanger og historieforteller." ("Augestad is both singer and storyteller.") - Ballade

Review of the album "ESSAYS" by Martin Kersten @ Hessischer Rundfunk 27.12.2021

"Zum Niederknien schön!“ so der Hessische Rundfunk ( zur aktuellen Music for a While Einspielung "ESSAYS" - hier ist Martin Kerstens Podcast zu hören:  hr2 kultur  


Stream to the album release concert "ESSAYS"

Music For A While's new album Essays

See and listen to the album release concert at Music Traveler here. Naturally there are some extra songs.

Fotos: Åsa Maria Mikkelsen


Follow Tora Augestad to Spotify

DICHTERLIEBE – Tora Augestads new recordings with BFO


"Dichterliebe" – Tora Augestads new recordings with Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra

Tora Augestad and El Muro Tango - Tour 2021, Norway

Tora Augestad goes Tango

A video to celebrate...

...the fresh released album "Essays".

Here you can listen and watch the collective Music For A While presenting their new album "Essays".

Music For A While presents its new album "ESSAYS"

Music For A While's new album Essays

you can listen to it here

See the album release concert here

A first review in Norwegian - here

Stream The Red Death - SWR Symphonieorchester mit TORA AUGESTAD - @ ARD-Mediathek

Uraufführung: Das SWR Symphonieorchester spielte mit Tora Augestad "The Red Death" von Francesco Filidei in einer Aufnahme vom 17.10.2021 mit Dirigent Sylvain Cambreling in den Donauhallen in Donaueschingen, dem ältesten Festival für Neue Musik.

8. - 15.09.2021 - „Fra Bar til Barrikade“ - from bar to barricades - Tournee ...

... in North Norway!

Tysk kabaretmusikk fra Wien til Berlin med Tora Augestad og en nordnorsk supersekstett under ledelse av Trygve Brøske Saftige. Rå og usminkete versjoner av musikk skrevet i en tid hvor Europa står på kanten av stupet. - German cabaret music from Vienna to Berlin with Tora Augestad and a Northern Norwegian super-sextet under the direction of Trygve Brøske Saftige. Raw and unadorned versions of music written at a time when Europe is on the brink of war.

Tora Augestad sitt nye album "Dialogues" er ute nå!

Tora Augestad sitt nye album "Dialogues" er ute nå!

 Andreas Ulvo

Foto: Andreas Ulvo

Tora Augestad fyller 40 år i desember, og feirer med å slippe sitt nye album Dialogues på Grappa Musikkforlag i dag.

Hør Dialogues her!

Erfolge für "Portraying Passion"

Das Album "Portraying Passion" hat den norwegischen Grammy gewonnen!

„Tora Augestads hell timbrierte Stimme ist wie glühendes Eis. Man lauscht ihrem Vortrag gebannt, als höre man Kurt Weill Lieder zum ersten Mal. Ein unerhörter Hörgenuss“
Fono Forum

Performer of the Year 2018

Tore Augestad receives the Norwegian Society of Composers’ “Performer of the Year” award for 2018 - The committee’s statement: "For almost two decades she has been a leading advocate of contemporary music. As a performer she moves between genres, and contributes to uniting them. Her ability to embrace such a wide range of styles and genres is unique. She is a fearless performer and displays a strong artistic voice in all the projects in which she is involved."

RELEASE DATE "Portraying Passion": November 12

Here you can watch the trailer of the album:  CLICK


Interview @ VAN-Magazin

Tora Augestad wurde von Hartmut Welscher im VAN Magazin interviewt - ein spannendes Gespräch über Berlin, Christoph Marthaler und den Spaziergang zwischen Genres.

"Teil einer Jugendbewegung und nett zu sich selbst sein, Vielseitigkeit und Irritation, Respekt und missglückter Smalltalk, Stefanie Carp und Christoph Marthaler. Im Café Dujardin mit Tora Augestad @vanmusik."

Reviews and new album

The Charles Ives tribute "Universe, Incomplete" at the Ruhrtriennale was celebrated as a musical marvel, as a musical great joy: "The Nordic heroine Tora Augestad sings entrancing" (SZ), for the NZZ she is even "an apparition" (NZZ). Tora Augestad's recording of Ives' "The Unanswered Question" and "Five Songs" will be released in November 2018, combined with Weill's "Seven Deadly Sins" and Markus Paus' composition of Dorothy Parker's "Hate Songs". Markus Paus is already writing the next work for the mezzo-soprano.

Tora Augestad nominated to the Nordic Council Music Prize!

The 11 nominees for the Nordic Council Music Prize 2015 have been announced at the Bergen International Festival. Over half of them were present to help mark the 50th anniversary of the prestigious prize. The nominees are: DENMARK Michala Petri, recorder player HVAD, electronic musician FINLAND Kimmo Pohjonen, accordion Apocalyptica, heavy metal cello ensemble THE FAROE ISLANDS Hamferð, doom metal band ICELAND The Reykjavík Chamber Orchestra, orchestra Elfa Rún Kristinsdóttir, violinist NORWAY Dans Les Arbres, quartet Tora Augestad, mezzosoprano SWEDEN

Rave reviews for the new album: "Canticles of Winter" by Music for a while

The band Music for a While, fronted by Norway"s uncrowned queen of the cabaret, Tora Augestad, are celebrating their tenth anniversary this year by releasing the album "Canticles of Winter", an album they themselves describe as "a selection of low-key winter songs with a hint of Christmas". It is miles away from a traditional Christmas record, although some of the loveliest Christmas songs ever written can be heard here.


KING SIZE EUROPEAN TOUR : GIRONA, GENEVE, LONDON, DUOAI, PRATO, TORINO, ROTTERDAM & BERGEN! "KING SIZE is Marthaler at his best. In a hotel room, a couple is trying to sleep, but both their dreams and the king-size bed are too big. Music, from Wagner to German Schlager, will console. One of the most bittersweet evenings on the German theatre scene at the moment". (Kampnagel, Hamburg) Girona: 14 & 15. November 2014 (link is external) Geneve: 3. & 4. March 2015 (link is external) Royal Opera House Covent Garden, London: April 14 - 18. 2015 (link is external)

Atemlos durch die Nacht: Tora Augestad an der Volksbühne

Die Sängerin und Schauspielerin Tora Augestad ist in dieser Spielzeit an der Volksbühne Berlin in Christoph Marthalers neuem Regiestreich „Tessa Blomstedt gibt nicht auf“ zu erleben. In der Rolle der Kekke begeisterte sie schon das Premierenpublikum: Ob Tora Augestad John Dowlands atemraubendes «Come again» singt oder Elfi Grafs schmalziges «Am schönsten ist es zu Hause» – man würde hingerissen zuhören bis in alle Ewigkeit. Neue Züricher Zeitung


MUSIC FOR A WHILE - "CANTICLES OF WINTER" Releasedate 28.11.14!!! TORA AUGESTAD, vocals STIAN CARSTENSEN, accordion & pedal steel MATHIAS EICK, trumpet MARTIN TAXT, tuba PÅL HAUSKEN, drums & percussion

New artistic directors at HARDANGER MUSIKKFEST!

HARDANGER MUSIKKFEST is a classical chambermusic festival situated in one of the most beautiful corners of Norway; in the scenic Hardangerfjord. Based in Lofthus in Ullensvang. Tora Augestad and Therese Birkeland Ulvo are the new artistic directors of the festival from August 2014. The Hardanger Music Festival features top level artists in a unique setting. The performances take place at different scenic locations along the fjord.

New cd's in the making: Now a touring summer: Concerts and shows in Italy, Finland & Norway!

An exciting summer is ahead! In this productive spring Augestad has recorded 2 new cd`s; 1. With her Ensemble Music for a while, a melancholic cd of baroque renditions. Stay put for exciting release news! 2. With the Cikada Ensemble, great singers, playing Henrik Hellstenius epic opera "Ophelia: death by water singing". (Libretto: Cecilie Løveid) This will be released at LAWO.

Guest professor at the University of Agder (UIA), Norway

Tora Augestad will from the fall of 2013 be guesting as a teacher at the Music Department of the University in Agder. She is back at the University and will be teaching the year 2014 / 2015. She will hold masterclasses and teach vocal interpretation. The University of Agder (UiA) is located in the southern region of Norway, in the idyllic coastal towns of Kristiansand and Grimstad. UiA is the fourth largest university in Norway, with close to 10 000 students, and 1050 administration, faculty and service staff.

UPDATE: Sale revival at Opernhaus Zürich (Händel/Marthaler), King Size Shows in Paris in january & premiering a new Marcus Paus piece!

KING SIZE: It has been a busy touring autumn, playing King Size (Marthaler) across Europe. Now we look forward to playing shows in Paris, Lausanne, Basel and more places next year. NORDIC ORIENT: In November; Augestad launched a new project together with Trygve Seim (saxophone) and his newly written beautiful compositions. Together with Svante Henryson (cello) , Frode Halti (accordion) and Erling Kittelsen (poet) the project NORDIC ORIENT was born. We look forward to many concerts together in the future. SALE : OPERNHAUS ZÜRICH

World premiering Beat Furrer songs at Ultima & Musica Viva in Munich! Premiering Beat Furrer songs at Ultima Saturday September 7th at 14.00!

King Size won the "Sound of MESS" award!

King Size (Marthaler) had a guest performance at the MESS International Theatre Festival in Sarajevo. There we won the media prize "Sound of MESS" for best use of music in a theatre piece. We are happy and honored!

King Size in Zagreb, Sarajewo and Moskva!

KING SIZE is Marthaler at his best. In a hotel room, a couple is trying to sleep, but both their dreams and the king-size bed are too big. Music, from Wagner to German Schlager, will console. One of the most bittersweet evenings on the German theatre scene at the moment.